Friday, July 5, 2013

day 1 part 2: nous sommes arrives en paris~

oh humbling...
thats the first thought that runs through my mind as gina and i try to navigate our way through the airport on our way to the subway train.

between the two of us,
we speak tres peu de francais -
bonjour, parlez-vous anglais?, merci, and au revoir
never got old. for us.
and neither did pangs of embarrassment, shame, vulnerability, and helplessness
as we succumbed to asking for help with inventive gestures.
those feelings were often medicated with gratitude and amusement.

nous sommes arrives en paris!

jet-lag and the carafe of vin blanc setting in towards the end of our first evening en paris,
ma soeur cherie threatened to abandon the trip all together and i didn't argue with her as i responded that i will continue on without her...

oh mon dieu...
here we go...

[oh spot...not while he's driving! et merci koon pour driving us to the airport.]
[ahem. both hands on the wheel, si vous plait.]

[thank you? American Airlines.]
[bleh...ou es le francais cuisine already]
[first meal in montmartre, the village of nyc]
[jumped right in with boeuf. and ate it all.]
[THIS was tiramisu. i dont know what all that other stuff claiming to be tiramisu in the past was...]
[...i let him have his moment...we are in paris after all.]
[chocolat eclair...all i can say is, it didn't make us forget about the tiramisu.]
[things got a little out of control avec un petit stuffed bunny keychain in the hostel luggage closet..]
[we come to paris to eat at a sicilian restaurant ^.^]
[that pasta...oh la la...]
[things did get a little crazy. i blame the jet lag and the wine...]
[ paris.]


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